
潤記號金飾珠寶配件有限公司(YKA)於1983年創辦,專營珠寶首飾配件,並提供不同貴金屬成色、尺寸和設計以供選擇;也因應客人的要求,提供獨特設計及訂制產品。YKA的配件產品在行內暢銷數十年,深受珠寶廠商的青睞,主要原因是產品多年來都是高品質的保證。 作為珠寶首飾配件供應商,YKA以優質、多樣化的產品和熱誠待客的服務為經營宗旨,其產品質量和信譽均在業內有口皆碑。公司在專營領域保持高質產出的同時,仍保持創新求變,不斷擴展產品類別,以迎合市場需要。公司除了專注香港本地市場的產品推廣外,亦積極開拓國內及海外市場。 YKA的主要客戶是珠寶生產商和零售商,還有小型首飾工廠和不同年齡層的客人。公司貫徹與時並進的精神,,並憑藉豐富的經驗和專業知識,設計出各款滿足市場所需的產品,為不同年齡層的顧客提供創新的設計。 公司最暢銷的產品是各類時興的首飾配件,包括耳環配件、鏈扣、胸針扣、鑲口、足金、K金和鉑金頸鏈,還有近期推出的“空心管系列”等。該系列是研發團隊和工匠們通力合作的結晶;使用空心設計手鐲、耳環和調節珠令首飾更輕盈,佩戴時更舒適。歡迎批發及零售客戶來電諮詢。 Yuen Kee Ho Gold Jewelry Accessories Co Ltd (YKA), established in 1983, specializes in jewellery findings and offers these in a wide selection of sizes, designs and precious metal fineness. It also provides customized services for clients’ unique designs. YKA’s products have been selling well in the market for decades and are most appreciated by jewellery manufacturers, mainly because of their quality assurance over the years. As a supplier of jewellery findings, YKA aims to provide high-quality and diversified products and enthusiastic customer service. Its products, of guaranteed quality and credibility, are well known in the industry. Moreover, YKA continually innovates and develops different types of products to meet the rapid changes in market trends. YKA focused on promoting its products not only in the local market but also mainland China & overseas. YKA’s main customers are jewellery manufacturers and retailers, as well as small-sized jewellery workshops and individual customers of different age groups. To keep pace with the times and backed by solid experience and expertise, YKA is capable of designing different types of products to respond to market needs and providing innovative designs to customers of all ages. The company’s best-selling products are all kinds of fashionable jewellery accessories, including earring accessories, chain clasps, brooch pin, settings, pure gold, K-gold and platinum necklaces as well as the recently launched Hollow Tube collection. Resulting from the collaboration between YKA’s R&D team and its craftsmen, products from the Hollow Tube collection such as bangles, earrings, and adjustable beads are lighter and more comfortable to wear. Wholesalers and retail customers are welcome to call us for inquiries.
潤基金業有限公司(YKB)成立於1989年,公司主營貴金屬貿易(包括金、銀、鉑、鈀、銠、釕、鈦,鈷等),電鍍用品(包括銠水、釕水、金鹽和銀鹽等),另有補口、焊接材料。以優質、多樣化的產品和熱誠待客的服務見稱,是行內品質和信譽的保證。 YKB獨家代理的RR和HR焊片品質優良穩定,成色充足,焊接使用時易於掌握和過程流暢。另外,焊片種類繁多,備有不同材料可供選擇,當中有K金焊片、銀焊片、鉑金焊片等,用途非常廣泛。設有不同成色及溫度,分別為高、中、低、超低溫等,適用於金屬與金屬之間的焊接。針對不同成色的K金,提供相應焊片。 另外,備有不同K金材料可供選擇,包括彈金片/ 彈金綫,也可因應客人要求訂制不同硬度。 YKB的業務範圍廣泛,憑藉多年的經驗和專業知識,為客戶提供多元化的產品選擇。公司與時並進,新穎的設計能迎合市場和不同客戶的需求。YKB不僅根植香港本地市場,亦繼續開拓國內及海外市場,歡迎批發及零售客戶來電諮詢。 Yuen Kee Bullion Co Ltd (YKB), established in 1989, is engaged in the trading of precious metals (Including gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, titanium, cobalt, etc.), among others; electroplating supplies (such as rhodium solution, ruthenium solution, gold potassium cyanide and silver potassium cyanide); and master alloy and solder materials. YKB provides high-quality and diversified products along with enthusiastic customer service and has a good reputation in the industry for product assurance. YKB is the sole agent of RR and HR solder sheets with high, stable quality and metal fineness, which can be used easily and smoothly. On top of these, it offers an expansive selection of other solder sheets in different materials, including K-gold, silver and platinum etc, YKB’s solder sheets are widely used which come in different fineness and temperatures such as hard, medium, easy, super easy.. etc. To ensure that the colour of the joint is consistent with that of the metal, solder sheets are available in different fineness of K-gold. In addition, there are different K gold materials to choose from, including elastic gold sheets / elastic gold wires, and different hardnesses can also be customized according to customer requirements. YKB has a comprehensive business scope. With years of experience and expertise, it provides customers with a wide range of product choices. YKB keeps pace with the times, and its innovative designs meet the needs of the market and of different customers. YKB innovated in the face of adversity, focusing on the Hong Kong local market while exploring opportunities mainland China & overseas. Wholesalers and retail customers are welcome to call for inquiries.